About Us
In the beginning, PT Karya Akbar Mandiri (KAM) started as an integrator company for Information and Communication Technology, serving locally in the City of Palembang, South Sumatra Province. In 2012, KAM moved its headquarters to Jakarta, taking up more advanced roles, not only as a system integrator but also as a National Distributor/Re-Seller for many high-profile companies worldwide.
Upon moving to Jakarta, KAM has narrowed its focus to providing support only for LAW Enforcement Agencies (LEA), Military and Intelligence Agencies (MIA), Government Agencies, and Telecommunication Providers.
since 2017 we started developing our products based on the experience we have, we built a research and development division and succeeded in creating and selling our products including Tactical Signals Intelligence (Direction Finders), Cyber Security, etc.
In the future, we have a target to reach more countries to introduce and sell our products. so that more entities can feel the benefits of the products that we have.

At the beginning, PT Karya Akbar Mandiri (KAM) started as an integrator company for Information and Communication Technology, serving locally in the City of Palembang, South Sumatra Province. In 2012, KAM moved it’s headquarter to Jakarta, taking up more advanced roles, not only as a system integrator, but also as a National Distributor/Re-Seller for many high-profile companies worldwide.
Upon moving to Jakarta, KAM has narrowed it’s focus to provide support only for LAW Enforcement Agencies (LEA), Military and Intelligence Agencies (MIA), Government Agencies and Telecommunication Providers.
since 2017 we started developing our products based on the experience we have, we built a research and development division and succeeded in creating and selling our products including Tactical Signals Intelligence (Direction Finders), Cyber Security and etc.
In the future, we have a target to reach other countries to introduce and sell our products. so that more entities can feel the benefits of the products that we have.
Distributed Products
Goverment Clients
Year Experience